I love a lot of things about myself. I love that I'm independent and self sufficient. I love that no matter how hard I push myself physically, my body forgives me. I love that I have no secrets. I love my seemingly unending patience and how I never let the little things get me upset. I love my ability to forgive easily. I love that I can find the positive in any situation. I love that I'm usually able to talk people down when they're super upset about something or screaming at me. I love that I value people and relationships over possessions. I love that I still set goals. I love that I am honest, even if it is "to a fault." I love that I show people grace. I love that I've shared my life with some of the greatest girls around and that they've made me a stronger person. I love that I don't swear. I love that I take criticism well. I love that no matter how bad I feel, my dog can cheer me up. I love that I learn things easily. I love that I've found someone who balances me out and makes me feel complete (as corny as that sounds). I love that I take care of my body. I love my attitude. I love that I love to be outside. I love the healing powers that I can experience in a day at the beach. I love that I can get a tan within fifteen minutes of being outside. I love being Italian. I love that I am able to stay calm and hold my tongue when people yell at me about trivial things. I love that I no longer allow people to walk all over me. I love that I'm loyal. I love that I make friends easily. I love that I treat others the way I want to be treated. I love that I'm good at my job. I love that I believe in myself. I love that I value quality time. I love that I put a lot of effort into my relationships. I love that I've overcome the odds. I love that I have never allowed the past to dictate who I am. I love the person I've become. =)
I love her too :)