Monday, February 14

Thirty days of truth -- Day eleven.

Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

My attitude. I don't get upset easily, I handle stress well and I tend to look at situations objectively. When I share a little glimpse into my past with people who know me, they are almost always shocked, and the common response is "I had no idea, you're so positive," or something along those lines. I know that I'm well adjusted. I know that dwelling on the past and the horrible things that have happened to me isn't going to get me anywhere. I'm a go-getter and I want success more than I want anything else. I have to look forward if I plan to get ahead in life...

When I'm overwhelmed and I get another obstacle thrown in my way, I usually think "this is temporary" and I get myself through it. There is no point in getting upset about things that aren't going to matter one hour, one day or one month from now. It's definitely not worth it to get mad or go ballistic about the things that I cannot control. Is getting another patient at work when I'm swamped really worth getting upset about? Is it going to impact my life? No. It might make things completely crazy, but it's not a big deal. It's going to be ok. I just need to do my job.

When I'm running late and I run into traffic, am I going to get there faster if I throw a fit? No. When someone is yelling at me about something I did (or didn't do), are they going to calm down and go away if I yell back? No. Things are a lot smoother when you aren't upset and don't let people get to you. People are dumb.. Just let them get their frustration out and move on. Why should I get upset just because they are upset? Maybe I am one of few that can sit quietly while someone is screaming at me and keep my cool, but I'm good with that. I know that letting them get under my skin isn't going to change anything and it's certainly not going to fix the thing they are screaming about.

Life is better when you have a positive attitude and can laugh about the little things. Everybody just needs to calm down, because this too shall pass. =)

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